пятница, 17 мая 2013 г.

Внедрение поддержки USB в главную вертку ядра.

В 2011 году один из наших разработчиков - CleverMouse, приступила к разработке USB стека для Kolibri OS. Мы помогали чем могли, преимущественно тестированием. И вот спустя 2 года код поддержки USB залит в trunk ядро, которое является основной веткой наших разработок. SVN r. 3520-3522

На данный момент поддерживаются следующие устройства: мыши, клавиатуры, флеш накопители, ридеры SD карт и хабы. Вы можете помочь нам выложив лог в теме Тестируем поддержку USB - 2

Также ведется разработка драйверов для принтеров. Пока это экспериментальные варианты, реализующие только тестовую печать. Тема на форуме USB-принтеры для USB-ядра

В будущем возможно будет начата работа по поддержке сканеров, веб-камер и прочих устройств.

13 комментариев:

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  2. USB support into the main kernel is a significant project that requires careful consideration. It is crucial to clearly state the reasons for introducing USB support, analyze the scope and potential impact on the kernel's size and complexity, ensure code quality, test and compatibility, provide comprehensive documentation, address security concerns, discuss long-term maintainability, engage with the kernel development community, assess user impact, evaluate performance implications, examine dependencies and interactions with other kernel components, plan for fallback mechanisms, ensure backward compatibility with existing USB drivers and user-space applications, discuss the decision to implement USB support in the kernel vs. user space, develop a testing framework specifically for USB support, ensure community acceptance, provide a timeline with milestones for development, testing, and integration into the main kernel, include detailed documentation for kernel developers interested in contributing to or working with the USB support code, ensure legal and licensing compliance, and consider making public announcements or updates to inform the wider community about the integration of USB support.Abogados de Lesiones por Accidentes de Camiones

  3. USB has become an integral part of our digital lives, connecting everything from keyboards and mice to smartphones and external storage devices. We'll delve into the role of USB in shaping the modern computing landscape, highlighting its versatility and user-friendly features. With USB support in the main kernel, users can expect improved efficiency and seamless compatibility. We'll discuss how this change simplifies the process of connecting and using USB devices, making it more accessible to a wider range of hardware and software. Abogados Bancarrota Cerca Mí

  4. Implementing USB support in the main kernel involves integrating drivers and protocols to enable communication with USB devices. This enhancement expands the kernel's capabilities, allowing seamless interaction with a wide range of peripherals, from storage devices to input devices, significantly enhancing system connectivity and functionality. This blog is a goldmine of information. Your blog packs a punch in just a few sentences. Your words are like gems. Thank you for sharing this! A quick, delightful read that left me inspired.uncontested divorce in va

  5. Introducing USB support into the main kernel marked a pivotal milestone in the evolution of computer hardware connectivity. This integration enabled a standardized and versatile means of connecting a multitude of devices to computers, ranging from keyboards and mice to external drives and sophisticated peripherals. By incorporating USB support directly into the kernel, the operating system gained native capabilities to recognize and interact with USB devices seamlessly, enhancing plug-and-play functionality and streamlining the user experience
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  6. USB, the unsung hero of connectivity! 🌐💻 From seamlessly transferring data to charging devices in a flash, it's the tiny powerhouse we all rely on daily. Who knew a small port could have such a big impact on our digital lives? USB, you're the real MVP of the tech world! 🚀🔌 #USBMagic #TechEssentials

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  8. "KolibriOS blog's exploration of USB functionality is a technical treasure trove! The post adeptly delves into USB support, showcasing the platform's commitment to technological advancements. The comprehensive insights make it an invaluable resource for enthusiasts and developers alike, highlighting KolibriOS's dedication to staying at the forefront of innovation. The clarity of explanation and attention to detail in the blog post commendably cater to a diverse audience, fostering a community of learning. Kudos to KolibriOS for sharing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of operating systems!"
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    The main kernel now supports USB, enhancing device compatibility and usability across various hardware configurations. This feature could lead to increased stability, performance optimization, and broader hardware support. Critiques could address compatibility issues or security vulnerabilities. The implementation could impact system resource management, power consumption, and reliability. Overall, this review offers insights into Linux's evolution as a versatile operating system.

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